Saturday, July 3, 2010


Here is the photoshop art gallery. Photoshop 8.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Photoshop Tutorial: Creating Pieces Effect

In this tutorial you can design images for your sites.
Follow the following steps:
1. Select an image to edit and open in photoshop. Take this image of bird as an example.

2. Go to View-Rulers so that you can calculate the length and breadth to be cut.
3. Select Rectangular Marquee Tool and make a selection in the image to be cut.
4. While selected press Ctrl+X to cut and Ctrl V to paste. The cut portion is pasted into new layer.
   Continue doing this selecting by Marquee tool, cutting and pasting. Here I have made 9 pieces therefore finally you get 10 layers altogether(9 pieces+1 background).It looks like this.

5. Now select layer 1 and go to Blending Options as shown below.

6. In layer style select stroke. Select color white, size10, position inside as shown below.(you can apply according to your need) 

7. Now rotate it as it suits.
8. You have completed 1 layer. Do the same for the remaining other layers and you are done.
Final copy looks like this. Enjoy.

Sketch Effect in Photoshop

Here you can make nice sketch effect of photos of your choice.
It's simple. Here are the steps to do it.

1. First find a photo which you would like to edit. Take this picture of Gerrard as an example.
2. Open the picture with photoshop. Go to Layer-Duplicate layer and remove the eye from background layer as shown below.

3. Now go to Image-Adjustments-Desaturate and it looks like this.
4. Duplicate the desaturated layer and go to Image-Adjustment-Invert.
5. Go to layer palette and select color dodge.

Do not panic cuz it's not over.
6. Go to Filter-Blur-Gussain Blur. Adjust according to need.

7. You have completed doing and it looks like this.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Photoshop effect: Torres comes out.

Now you can create such designs by following these simple steps....
You need to have basic knowledge of  photoshop.
1. First find a photo which you want to edit.. (I searched it on the internet..take this as eg..)

2. Open it with photoshop. Select the ball with the help of ellipse tool and paste it in new file..
3. Use clone stamp tool to fill the part from where the ball was removed.
4. Now select Torres by the help of Magnetic Lasso Tool, paste it in new file and erase some unnecessary cut portions with the help of eraser tool.

5. To your main image, apply transform(distort). Edit-Transform-Distort.
6. You can apply some blending to it by selecting blending options from layer palette.(Not necessary)
7. You had created 2 files earlier of the ball and the selection of Torres. Now paste them to your main file. You must get something like this.
8. Now go to your layer palette, select the layer shown below and erase Torres from the background using eraser tool.
9. Now adjust the place of Torres and the ball and you are done.
Final image looks like this.